First of all, for security reasons, put your own hashed username and password into variables $USER and $PASSWORT. Use SHA256 to hash your username/password. Some websites offer hashing function for this. But you can also hash your username & password with this script. Upload php-file to your server and start script with parameter protocol=cryptpw and pw=[Your Username]:

Script will return your hashed Username. Edit your php-file and change variable $USER = 'Your SHA256 hashed Username';

Next, do the same with your Password. Start script with parameter protocol=cryptpw and pw=[Your Password]:

Script will return your hashed password. Edit your php-file and change variable $PASSWORT = 'Your SHA256 hashed password';



Here is the full script:



// DynDNS PHP Script

// versiondate: 2015-10-01

// autor: adxamg

// based on script by Axel Teichmann


// Script parameters:

// protocol=http (you can use any protocol you want (for example "VNC", "FTP", "SMB", "HTTPS"...) standard ist "http"

// port=Portnumber (1-xxxxx) 

// pfad=subfile or file (f.e. start.html). a "/" is automatically added.


// Special script parameters:

// protocol=showip -> displays current target ip adress

// protocol=ipupdate -> used to update ip adress (parameter pw & ip needed)

// protocol=cryptpw -> hashing function (sha256) (parameter 'pw' needed)

// protocol=wol -> used for wake on lan feature (testing), (parameter mac & port needed)

// protocol=cryptpwuser -> hashing function for username & password (testing) (sha256) (Parameter 'pw' & 'user' needed)


// User variables:

$IP_Datei = "IP_Server_01.txt"; // Filename, here ip-adress will be saved

$USER = 'Username_hashed'; // Username for forwards, showip and so on

$PASSWORT = 'Password_hashed'; // Password for updating ip-adress


$Vorratsdatenspeicherung = "JA";                 // Acticate ("JA") or deactivate ("NEIN") of saving ip-history

$VorratsdatenspeicherungsOrdner= "IP-Archiv"; // Subfile where ip history will be saved

$IParchivname = "IP-Archiv";        // Filename of ip-history "Year-Month-IP-Archiv", also "2014-01-IP-Archiv.txt" 


// Programm variables:

$User = $_GET['user']; // reading Username from parameters

$Passwort = $_GET['pw']; // reading password from parameters

$Protocol = $_GET['protocol']; // reading protocol from parameters

$Port = $_GET['port']; // reading port from parameters

$Port=$Port+0; // adding 0 to port parameter makes it a number

$Pfad = $_GET['pfad']; // reading path from parameters

$FritzIP = $_GET['ip']; // reading ip-adress from parameters

$domain=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // reading domain from parameters

$Mac = $_GET['mac']; // reading mac adress from parameters used for wol (testing)

$CheckIP = ""; // variable for checking ip-adress

$pwcrypted = ""; // variable for checking hash


// Variable modification

date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE"); 

if ($Protocol=="") {$Protocol="http";} // set http when there is no protocol in parameters

if ($Port==0) {$Port="";} // no port was in parameters

if ($Port>=1) {$Port=":".$Port;} // add a ":" when there is a port

if ($Pfad!=="") {$Pfad="/".$Pfad;} // when there is a path, add a "/"

$UserHashed=hash("sha256", $User); // hashing username


// Hash Username & Password SHA256

if ($Protocol=="cryptpw") { // Hilfsfunktion: berechnet den Hash für den Paramter "pw"

$pwcrypted=hash("sha256", $Passwort);

echo $Passwort." -- crypted with SHA256 --> ".$pwcrypted;




// Check username

if ($UserHashed!==$USER) {sleep(5); exit;} // check username, wait 5 seconds when it's wrong


// Check existence of ip-filename

if (!file_exists($IP_Datei)) { // check existence of ip-filename

$datei = fopen("$IP_Datei", "w+"); // make new one, if there is no file

fwrite($datei, ""); // Write dummy ipadress

fclose($datei); // close file



// IP-update function

if ($Protocol=="ipupdate") { // protocol=ipupdate, user wants to update target ip-adress

$CheckIP = str_replace('.', '', $FritzIP);// remove not needed parts of ip-adress

if (!ctype_digit($CheckIP)) {echo "Error: IP address invalid"; exit;}// check ip-adress for numbers


$Passwort=hash("sha256", $Passwort);// hash Password

if($Passwort==$PASSWORT) { // Password ok, then...

$datei = fopen("$IP_Datei", "w"); // open file for writing

fwrite($datei, $FritzIP); // write target ip-adress

fclose($datei); // close file

echo "good ".$domain; // Browser output


// Saving ip-history

if ($Vorratsdatenspeicherung=="JA") { // save ip-history activated (JA)

$jahr=date("Y");$monat=date("m"); // Datum ermitteln



// Format output: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss IP:ipadress

$datum=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); $inhalt=$datum." IP:".$FritzIP."\n";


// check for subfile, make new one if not existent

if (!file_exists($VorratsdatenspeicherungsOrdner)) { mkdir($VorratsdatenspeicherungsOrdner, 0777, true); }


// check file, read file, put ip-adress, date inside

if (file_exists($Filename)) {$Alterinhalt = file_get_contents($Filename); 

$umdrehen=strrev($Alterinhalt); $Position= strpos($umdrehen, ":PI"); $AlteIP= substr($umdrehen, 1, $Position-1); 

$AlteIP=strrev($AlteIP); }


if ($AlteIP!==$FritzIP) { // check if we have a new ip-adress

$datei = fopen("$Filename", "a"); // open file

fwrite($datei, $inhalt); // write ip, date

fclose($datei); // close file



exit; // exit script





if (file_exists($IP_Datei)) { // check existence of file

$datei= fopen("$IP_Datei", "r"); // open file for reading

$inhalt = fread($datei,filesize($IP_Datei)); // read ip-adress

fclose($datei); // close file


if ($Protocol=="showip") {echo $inhalt;exit;}// "protocol=showip" displays target ip-adress in browser


if ($Protocol=="cryptpw") {// Hash function for paramter "pw"

$pwcrypted=hash("sha256", $Passwort);

echo $Passwort." -- crypted with SHA256 --> ".$pwcrypted;



if ($Protocol=="cryptpwuser") {// Hash function for paramter "pw" and "user"

$pwcrypted=hash("sha256", $Passwort.$User);

echo $Passwort." & ".$User." -- crypted with SHA256 --> ".$pwcrypted;




if ($Protocol=="wol") {// "protocol=wol" is a test function for 'wake on lan' aus (needs user/mac/port)

if (!$Mac=="") {

if ($Port=="") {echo "Error: Port is missing!"; exit;}

$Mac = str_replace(':', '', $Mac);

if (!ctype_xdigit($Mac)) {echo "Fehler: Mac address invalid, only 0-9 and a-f are allowed"; exit;}

$MacBinary = pack('H12', $Mac);

$magicPacket = str_repeat(chr(0xff), 6).str_repeat($MacBinary, 16);

$datei= fopen("$IP_Datei", "r");

$broadcastAddress = fread($datei,filesize($IP_Datei));


if (!$fp = fsockopen('udp://' . $broadcastAddress, $Port, $errno, $errstr, 2)) {echo "Error: $errno - $errstr"; exit;}

fputs($fp, $magicPacket);







//Forwarding to target

$url=$Protocol."://".$inhalt."".$Port."".$Pfad; // URL = Protocol & IP-Adress & Port & Path

header("Location: $url"); // Forwarding browser

exit; // Exit



